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  • I found a solution for this. I guess it is more related with how Android manages permission than with DIG itself. First of all, if you want to follow what I did do it at your own risk. You are messing with permissions here so there is a real risk of…
  • Ok. I see the problem. /Android/data/com.digdroid.alman/ is owned by DIG, there, DIG can rwx /roms is owned by root and there DIG can only r-x I haven't found a way yet for changing /roms ownership or permissions. I could move all roms to the DIG di…
  • All my roms from my sd are in /roms/... not in /android/data/... I will check that
  • https://digdroid.com/forums/discussion/comment/668#Comment_668 Sorry for the typos. It is hard to type from my phone. The right permissions are -rwxr-xr-x (755)
  • Im usind android 7.0 and the files are in my sd. Dig has no problems writting there since I'm keeping all covers, themes and screenshots in the sd card. I've checked the permisions for one if the files I want to delete : -rwx-xr-x (755) Maybe that …
  • For those of you that are not aware, this option has been now included in the new 1.37 beta1, you can edit your current theme and select a default cover. At the moment it is only shown for some of the views, it works in grid mode, for some of the ot…
  • Hi. I'm not an expert at all but for what I've seen MAME roms can be tricky. There are a lot of MAME versions and you need the roms for that version. In retroarch load the core you want and then go to the core information. There you can see the MAME…
  • Yes. I've tried the same as you. I think what I want is at the moment just not possible. I've checked all files I could find without finding those default icons. Probably that images are embeded in the code and not available as standalone .png files…
  • What is this option actually doing? I've a folder in my sd card with a bunch of covers. I imported them and now? I still need to long-touch a game image and select them from my sd card. I think I'm missing something here.
  • Look That's default DIG icon https://digdroid.com/forums/uploads/567/W9X9NA0TA0MO.png If I could replace that default icon https://digdroid.com/forums/uploads/655/RXRVCA8QR2N1.png with mine For example this one https://digdroid.com/forums/uploads/…
  • Thanks for your answer DanielCarlosJobs That's not what I was looking for. I know I can replace the covers one by one. What I'm trying to find out is if there is a way I can replace the default icons (the png file) DIG is using for those games that …