Alekful NX

edited September 2019 in Themes

This theme is ported from RetroPie.

Submitted by DanielCarlosJobs -

Download - 45.3MB


  • Cool theme)

  • Not bad Daniel.

    Not my fav music though lol But theme works well.


  • Not bad Daniel.

    Not my fav music though lol But theme works well.


    TKS for your feedback!!! I got these music files from the theme. That was a lot of music there, but some of them are strange arrangements, and I didn't include then on the package to keep it small. Whatever, you could insert more music on the path "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.digdroid.alman.dig/files/Themes/Alekful NX/Music/", and it will play randomly 😄

    Tip: you could insert any music there, but you need to change the extension to mp3. Doesn't need to convert the files, just rename. The files I've included were oggvorbis files, just renamed and it's playing 😎

  • Yeah,Ive edited my own. Try to modify my own and maybe a make a theme but so far its very basic. And using those Ruckage icons,cant seem to find any that suit what Im trying to do (dont wanna give anything away yet..)

    Im pretty useless in graphic stuff but might might try my hand at making my own icons (or modifying other icons) with some free graphic software as I dont usually do this sort thing lol

  • Yeah,Ive edited my own. Try to modify my own and maybe a make a theme but so far its very basic. And using those Ruckage icons,cant seem to find any that suit what Im trying to do (dont wanna give anything away yet..)

    Im pretty useless in graphic stuff but might might try my hand at making my own icons (or modifying other icons) with some free graphic software as I dont usually do this sort thing lol

    If you like to edit things on your phone, I recommend an app called Multi Layer. It's an Android app that has a lot of filters, alignment tools, the layers makes the theme creation easy and it has a free and a paid option. All of my themes are made on it 😄

  • Hi!

    I'm actually using this theme right now, and i have a question 😅:

    When you change the icon in any of the "clone" systems, given that that icon was already available in the pack, just wasn't automatically sorted right, is there a way to make the correct Background for that system appear?

    Example :

    I have FBA set up on my phone, and it's a clone system on DIG. I've changed the icon for the one that came with this pack, but i can't figure it out if there's any way to make the correct Background to appear.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks guys. 🤙

  • Hi!

    I'm actually using this theme right now, and i have a question 😅:

    When you change the icon in any of the "clone" systems, given that that icon was already available in the pack, just wasn't automatically sorted right, is there a way to make the correct Background for that system appear?

    Example :

    I have FBA set up on my phone, and it's a clone system on DIG. I've changed the icon for the one that came with this pack, but i can't figure it out if there's any way to make the correct Background to appear.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks guys. 🤙

    For now, the only way I got to make DIG recognize the system clone background to work is going to the theme's folder, discover how the icon for the sistema was named, then going to the system BG folder, copy the desired bg to another place, rename as same as the icon, then moving the file back to the BG folder. Normally, the icon for clone systems are named as clone1.png, clone2.png... in this example I'll use a different icon just to illustrate:

    Right icon, wrong BG

    Icon identified as clone1.png

    Copying BG to another place

    BG pasted and renamed as intended

    BG moved to BG's folder

    Right icon, right BG.

  • For now, the only way I got to make DIG recognize the system clone background to work is going to the theme's folder, discover how the icon for the sistema was named, then going to the system BG folder, copy the desired bg to another place, rename as same as the icon, then moving the file back to the BG folder. Normally, the icon for clone systems are named as clone1.png, clone2.png... in this example I'll use a different icon just to illustrate:

    Right icon, wrong BG

    Icon identified as clone1.png

    Copying BG to another place

    BG pasted and renamed as intended

    BG moved to BG's folder

    Right icon, right BG.

    Valew irmão! Funcionou 100%, não sei o que me deu que não racionalizei por esse lado antes 😅😂

    E pra ficar no padrão do fórum, Thanks Man 😁🤙

  • I would suggest please use english here so everyone can read any posts.


  • I would suggest please use english here so everyone can read any posts.


    If you followed my previous posts, you surely noted that they were entirely in English.

    I just gave a shout out to a fellow Brazilian lurking around here like me as well. No information regarding the post was lost in translation, rest assured. 🤙

  • I would suggest please use english here so everyone can read any posts.


    Loud and clear sir.

    Valew irmão! Funcionou 100%, não sei o que me deu que não racionalizei por esse lado antes 😅😂

    E pra ficar no padrão do fórum, Thanks Man 😁🤙

    Your welcome!!! Sometimes the solution is an easy thing, but we have so much things to care about that some things escapes through our fingers... 😅

  • edited June 2019

    Nice job.👍

    I like this theme. It's a great idea with the icons at the bottom.

  • is there any Android icon for this theme already created?? love the theme and the music

  • Guess i found my favorite theme!


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