Bam! J2ME...though the logo was a pain in the kiester as I couldn't find a high def or a transparent one and the one I had didn't blend well, so I jury rigged one up.
Bam! J2ME...though the logo was a pain in the kiester as I couldn't find a high def or a transparent one and the one I had didn't blend well, so I jury rigged one up.
If you could do the Atomiswave board like the Naomi one then I'd be a happy man. Thanks Mahare for all these. They all look awesome.
If you could do the Atomiswave board like the Naomi one then I'd be a happy man. Thanks Mahare for all these. They all look awesome.
Well, that would be a bit trickier to do like that - no board is visible when it's in the case. So I could do the circuitboard which, frankly, would bore me, or the case itself which is more interesting for me. It would be more akin to a console design. I can put it on the list after I get the stock icons and backgrounds done :D
That would likely be the best reference pic for me, though the game that would be attached would be negotiable.
Well, that would be a bit trickier to do like that - no board is visible when it's in the case. So I could do the circuitboard which, frankly, would bore me, or the case itself which is more interesting for me. It would be more akin to a console design. I can put it on the list after I get the stock icons and backgrounds done :D
On the subject of Atomiswave and NAOMI, what sort of specs would you need to run them half decently on Android? I only have 2 gigs of RAM so snagging it might not be wise for me.
On the subject of Atomiswave and NAOMI, what sort of specs would you need to run them half decently on Android? I only have 2 gigs of RAM so snagging it might not be wise for me.
Both are pretty much as demanding as dreamcast stuff using Reicast. If your dreamcast stuff works then you should be ok.
Here's a .zip file with all completed icons so far. It includes regional alts for:
Genesis/Mega Drive
Sega CD/Mega CD
PCE CD/Turbografx CD
NeoGeo Pocket/NGP Color
SNES/Super Famicom (three versions)
Pokemon Mini (three versions)
New clone icons without full support have not been added yet as I do not know what clone order I want to do.
I have less than a dozen "built in" app icons left. After that it's "supported" system backgrounds, then some clone backgrounds (for certain 64DD, Sufami Turbo, likely Wolfenstein 3D, Daphne and Atomiswave, and I think RPG Maker as an app that works for those games is out now.
My next priority after that is appropriate collection icons, and genre icons.
An icon for "ports" was added as it was included with the original designer's pack, but I'm not thinking I'm going to be using it myself for anything.
The All Systems and Genres icons I've been using in the theme have been bothering me for a while. What to do? Clean up the All Systems theme by adding in the box and making the background non-transparent, and swapping the title...and completely revamp the genres icon:
I'm likely still going to edit the Systems icon some more to add in some stuff at the top and bottom. The zip file contains the new icons plus the others (All Games and the like) without any text at the bottom as I felt it unnecessary.
I also appear to have to redo the PS2 icon. So, five non-clones left. Tomorrow might not be feasable for work reasons but likely Wednesday at the latest. Then comes backgrounds and tweaks where needed (straightening logos in some cases).
There. A quick and easy PS2 edit. Hopefully I won't run into other issues like this (I'll skim through them all before full 2.0 release).
For the Systems icon, I can do it similar to the Genres icon, where I take snippets from the various existing systems and add them in. I'd likely do an Atari, SNES, Genesis. Playstation, and if I squish 'em a bit more Turbograf-x and Neo Geo. Alternately I could do one from each "generation" of consoles starting from the 2nd. In which case...Atari 2600, NES, Turbograf-x, PSX, Dreamcast, Wii. Gets most the major companies represented.
Busy day at work today, so this is all I could get done post-work. Hopefully I can finish the icons off tomorrow and start working on the backgrounds.
I am going through the icons that I developed, and I have discovered about 8 or so that have had some minor issues that I'll need to polish up due to issues with the paint application that I'm using to develop these icons. It shouldn't be too bad and I should be able to get those corrected pretty quickly. Hopefully we can at least have an icon pack setup for tomorrow.
So what do you know. All of the icons, barring some clones, are done. I think they've all been cleaned up as well - no visual artifacts and the like. Given that I pretty much cribbed the theme off of someone else, I'm saying feel free to use as you wish. I just want things to look nice.
So what do you know. All of the icons, barring some clones, are done. I think they've all been cleaned up as well - no visual artifacts and the like. Given that I pretty much cribbed the theme off of someone else, I'm saying feel free to use as you wish. I just want things to look nice.
Here we go. The perfect background. I am going to update all of the systems to use this background. The audio will be "Excuuuuuse me princess!" on repeat.
Bam! J2ME...though the logo was a pain in the kiester as I couldn't find a high def or a transparent one and the one I had didn't blend well, so I jury rigged one up.
If you could do the Atomiswave board like the Naomi one then I'd be a happy man. Thanks Mahare for all these. They all look awesome.
Well, that would be a bit trickier to do like that - no board is visible when it's in the case. So I could do the circuitboard which, frankly, would bore me, or the case itself which is more interesting for me. It would be more akin to a console design. I can put it on the list after I get the stock icons and backgrounds done :D
That would likely be the best reference pic for me, though the game that would be attached would be negotiable.
Dolphin Blue is arguably the stand out game for the system.
On the subject of Atomiswave and NAOMI, what sort of specs would you need to run them half decently on Android? I only have 2 gigs of RAM so snagging it might not be wise for me.
Here's the next one. Enjoy!
Both are pretty much as demanding as dreamcast stuff using Reicast. If your dreamcast stuff works then you should be ok.'s a .zip file with all completed icons so far. It includes regional alts for:
New clone icons without full support have not been added yet as I do not know what clone order I want to do.
I have less than a dozen "built in" app icons left. After that it's "supported" system backgrounds, then some clone backgrounds (for certain 64DD, Sufami Turbo, likely Wolfenstein 3D, Daphne and Atomiswave, and I think RPG Maker as an app that works for those games is out now.
My next priority after that is appropriate collection icons, and genre icons.
An icon for "ports" was added as it was included with the original designer's pack, but I'm not thinking I'm going to be using it myself for anything.
Good to hear. I know I can do okay with some games via Redream at least. Haven't tried Reicast.
Ugh. Failed on the CPC initially. But here's a Loopy and a Super Casette Vision. Ten more originally supported icons to go.
I also felt the Gamate icon needed a wee bit of polishing.
A little shading goes a long way sometimes. I think this looks, if not good, decent enough to be usable.
Home All Systems and Genres icons I've been using in the theme have been bothering me for a while. What to do? Clean up the All Systems theme by adding in the box and making the background non-transparent, and swapping the title...and completely revamp the genres icon:
I'm likely still going to edit the Systems icon some more to add in some stuff at the top and bottom. The zip file contains the new icons plus the others (All Games and the like) without any text at the bottom as I felt it unnecessary.
Go on Mahare, only a few more to complete the set.
I also appear to have to redo the PS2 icon. So, five non-clones left. Tomorrow might not be feasable for work reasons but likely Wednesday at the latest. Then comes backgrounds and tweaks where needed (straightening logos in some cases).
There. A quick and easy PS2 edit. Hopefully I won't run into other issues like this (I'll skim through them all before full 2.0 release).
For the Systems icon, I can do it similar to the Genres icon, where I take snippets from the various existing systems and add them in. I'd likely do an Atari, SNES, Genesis. Playstation, and if I squish 'em a bit more Turbograf-x and Neo Geo. Alternately I could do one from each "generation" of consoles starting from the 2nd. In which case...Atari 2600, NES, Turbograf-x, PSX, Dreamcast, Wii. Gets most the major companies represented.
...the Wii icon that someone had made was done with 3x3 pixel blocks. Revamped as 4x4 blocks. Sigh.
Here we go. Alternate Systems icon.
Added two more panels for the genres to better match the systems icon. Hope it doesn't look too bad.
Windows really hates me today. This is the new, super duper, double improved icon with the borders not chopped off.
Busy day at work today, so this is all I could get done post-work. Hopefully I can finish the icons off tomorrow and start working on the backgrounds.
I am going through the icons that I developed, and I have discovered about 8 or so that have had some minor issues that I'll need to polish up due to issues with the paint application that I'm using to develop these icons. It shouldn't be too bad and I should be able to get those corrected pretty quickly. Hopefully we can at least have an icon pack setup for tomorrow.
Home Icons (1).zip what do you know. All of the icons, barring some clones, are done. I think they've all been cleaned up as well - no visual artifacts and the like. Given that I pretty much cribbed the theme off of someone else, I'm saying feel free to use as you wish. I just want things to look nice.
Chalotron approves of these icons. 👍
I did discover a couple duplicates in there. They'll be removed from the final version. Backgrounds, I'm taking my sweet time with.
Here we go. The perfect background. I am going to update all of the systems to use this background. The audio will be "Excuuuuuse me princess!" on repeat.