So I think this should work properly. Revamped the folders, cleared a few things up, added the missing folders. In theory, copy the .cfg file to your themes directory where the other .cfg files are, and have everything else where your installed theme resources are.
Clones have been reorganized as follows:
Famicom Disk System
Super Nintendo CD
Sufami Turbo
WonderSwan Color
PSP Minis
Wolfenstein 3d
Infocom (like Zork)
Dreamcast VMU
The latter two need new icons. Atomiswave does not have an icon in the .zip but it is included as an image here (replace clone5 in the icons folder).
It appears to be later. Aside from bugfixes, I think I'm going to take a breather on this theme for a little bit. Loosely thinking of doing a theme myself based on the Arkade backgrounds, but that's a matter for another time.
On the off chance anyone cares, I'm presently working in some Collections icons primarily for my own benefit. I have 88 in mind right now, from maintream to obscure, and have completed 46 of them. I do generally prefer more than a couple of games to have in the collection, so Pikmin - with three that we can emulate right now - is out. I think the lowest count I have is Dept. Heaven games, with four titles, but some are on different systems too.
I might do genre icons in the future too, but that's yet to be determined. Right now I tentatively have 22 genres set up if I do.
I have 111 different collections in here, a blend of all sorts of genres. I think I've neatened any graphical issues (if you look at the D&D icon by the year, it's off by a pixel. My art program likes to be finicky about copy/pasting). I made this for my own personal use but hope some of you can get enjoyment from this.
Extract and copy everything but the config file to where you keep your theme resources, and put the config file in the Themes folder in your Android settings. Path should be similar to the following for that:
So until the developer comes back and cleans up this joint, I think I'm considering this complete and leaving these forums. Dig seems to be abandoned - still more user friendly than Arc Browser and (so far) Reset but these forums are a cesspool.
Forums were cleaned up, and I have made a few more collection icons. Considering a couple more systems (JoiPlay/RPG Maker and OpenBOR) and genre icons now. Just would need to think what genres to include and how to format them.
EDIT: Also if any other systems officially get supported I'll add icons for those too.
I downloaded your theme. It looks great. It has all the icons and proportions fit correctly to my phone. I have a quick question. After installing a theme, can I delete files I don't need? For example some themes are too large and I want to delete system videos that I don't use. I tried that before on a theme setup file (.zip) and then zipping it again but that didn't work. It didn't install.
I know your theme doesn't have videos. I just wrote here because you seem to be active. Thanks.
I downloaded your theme. It looks great. It has all the icons and proportions fit correctly to my phone. I have a quick question. After installing a theme, can I delete files I don't need? For example some themes are too large and I want to delete system videos that I don't use. I tried that before on a theme setup file (.zip) and then zipping it again but that didn't work. It didn't install.
I know your theme doesn't have videos. I just wrote here because you seem to be active. Thanks.
After the theme is installed you can navigate to where the files are located on your device, which is typically Main storage/Android/Data/com.digdroid.alman.dig/Files/Themes and you can delete anything any of the media you don't want from there without concern. If Dig doesn't find any media there it'll just display a default image. You can do this with any themes you get from here.
I really like your theme and I recommended it to quite a few people ☺☺ I love the extra icons for collections like kirby and final fantasy 😇 it would be great if there are icons for collections like Mario, rockman, pokemon, digimon, zelda...etc. Also,I wish there could be a few home icons, given that extra icons will be needed if we are displaying the playlist we made on the home screen.
Sorry for being so greedy 🥺 I really love your design 😍
@sugaret Everything you listed is included (though Rockman is included as Mega Man instead) - I'm at 119 collection icons. Not sure what you mean by home icons though. If you're talking about creating icons for your native Android launcher, that's not something I ever intended to do. If you're meaning the home screen for DIG, last I checked only the collections can be added in that way.
Wow, these are all so awesome. Been swapping them in and out of my theme i've kind of frankensteined together. Curious if you're planning on doing any hacked images for the collections section? Thought that would be super cool too, and now that theres a mini/classic console for so many things, wondering if you had any plans on those as well. Either way, super awesome work! all hail. @Mahare
Not sure what you mean by hacked images. Are you meaning collections of romhacks? Generally I'd stick them in the base game if applicable. I don't have any mini consoles so wouldn't be making any themes for them.
Yeah I meant for romhacks and mini console images for the collections sections! No worries, just was throwing it out there since you seem to be on a roll here. Keep up the good work!
The mini-consoles one is hypothetically a possibility, as there's already been a template for a couple of them - but if I do it would likely only be for systems that have officially come out. Romhacks I could in theory do a single generic icon, but it'd be a ways down the line. Need to get in the groove again.
I'm not sure if the developer of this Theme will see this comment, but I just wanted to say thanks for expanding upon a good looking emulator with their own improvements. I just bought a OnePlus 8T and decided to get into emulation gaming. When searching themes on the app I saw the version from the old developer and when I looked at the fourm I saw you made a reply and I found this thread. Yeah the earlier comments were toxic, but I just wanted to thank you for making the best theme I have ever seen. Thanks.
Also for anyone reading this in the future, it was a pain in the ass to install correctly because for whatever reason, it won't install from the zip in Dig itself. I did what Mahare suggested in May 2020 but it took me a while to figure it out correctly. I took a screenshot of what worked.
So I extracted the file from the zip file, took out the config, and then just copied the cfg. file and the Retro Redux file itself into the specified file directly. Keep in mind this is the default location themes are located at when you first download Dig, so this should be the same for you. I've got say it looks really nice on my Android phone and I plan on using this Front End for a LOOOONNNNGGG time.
One last Final post from me. Obviously in my last post I showed you how to do the process of getting the theme working by connecting my phone to my PC. It was just easier that way. This screenshot is from my phone and the music playing is pretty cool, like an outer space theme. I may decide to play the game this song is from now because of it lol (Uncharted Worlds).
One last thing I want to say is that for me I had to go to edit theme, and change the zoom option to fit to screen over the default fill screen. That fixed a issue I had of it cropping the edges of the screen. Alright, I paid the $3 price to get Dig with the full features and now can fully enjoy it with this nice and clean interface. Thanks again!
Last thing I forgot to mention, the Zip file I downloaded is from the post Mahare made in April 2020.
Don't know if there's a way for this to happen but I would love if this theme was added to the default browser themes people could see from Dig them self. I had to do a little rabbit hole searching to find this theme but it is what it is.
Retro So. I've got Version 2.0 of my theme done!
All official systems, plus the previously developed clones, have icons, backgrounds, the whole ball of wax.
We have alternates for:
Going to work on a few more clones next, then collections, then genres.
Gorramnit the Dig theme bundler left a folder out because of course it did. Will fix tomorrow.
Retro I think this should work properly. Revamped the folders, cleared a few things up, added the missing folders. In theory, copy the .cfg file to your themes directory where the other .cfg files are, and have everything else where your installed theme resources are.
Clones have been reorganized as follows:
The latter two need new icons. Atomiswave does not have an icon in the .zip but it is included as an image here (replace clone5 in the icons folder).
If you use it, let me know if there's any issues!
Clone 20 for this one. Will try to belt out a PocketStation today too.
It appears to be later. Aside from bugfixes, I think I'm going to take a breather on this theme for a little bit. Loosely thinking of doing a theme myself based on the Arkade backgrounds, but that's a matter for another time.
On the off chance anyone cares, I'm presently working in some Collections icons primarily for my own benefit. I have 88 in mind right now, from maintream to obscure, and have completed 46 of them. I do generally prefer more than a couple of games to have in the collection, so Pikmin - with three that we can emulate right now - is out. I think the lowest count I have is Dept. Heaven games, with four titles, but some are on different systems too.
I might do genre icons in the future too, but that's yet to be determined. Right now I tentatively have 22 genres set up if I do.
Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files have 111 different collections in here, a blend of all sorts of genres. I think I've neatened any graphical issues (if you look at the D&D icon by the year, it's off by a pixel. My art program likes to be finicky about copy/pasting). I made this for my own personal use but hope some of you can get enjoyment from this.
Great work mahare, but dif doesnt recognize your retro redux zip when i choose install. There's an alternative method to do it?
Thanks in advance
Extract and copy everything but the config file to where you keep your theme resources, and put the config file in the Themes folder in your Android settings. Path should be similar to the following for that:
There might need to be some path tweaking after you do that but it hopefully won't be too tricky.
So another couple of collection themes. I might also do a Wonder Boy one.
So until the developer comes back and cleans up this joint, I think I'm considering this complete and leaving these forums. Dig seems to be abandoned - still more user friendly than Arc Browser and (so far) Reset but these forums are a cesspool.
Forums were cleaned up, and I have made a few more collection icons. Considering a couple more systems (JoiPlay/RPG Maker and OpenBOR) and genre icons now. Just would need to think what genres to include and how to format them.
EDIT: Also if any other systems officially get supported I'll add icons for those too.
I downloaded your theme. It looks great. It has all the icons and proportions fit correctly to my phone. I have a quick question. After installing a theme, can I delete files I don't need? For example some themes are too large and I want to delete system videos that I don't use. I tried that before on a theme setup file (.zip) and then zipping it again but that didn't work. It didn't install.
I know your theme doesn't have videos. I just wrote here because you seem to be active. Thanks.
After the theme is installed you can navigate to where the files are located on your device, which is typically Main storage/Android/Data/com.digdroid.alman.dig/Files/Themes and you can delete anything any of the media you don't want from there without concern. If Dig doesn't find any media there it'll just display a default image. You can do this with any themes you get from here.
Thanks Chalotron.
I really like your theme and I recommended it to quite a few people ☺☺ I love the extra icons for collections like kirby and final fantasy 😇 it would be great if there are icons for collections like Mario, rockman, pokemon, digimon, zelda...etc. Also,I wish there could be a few home icons, given that extra icons will be needed if we are displaying the playlist we made on the home screen.
Sorry for being so greedy 🥺 I really love your design 😍
@sugaret Everything you listed is included (though Rockman is included as Mega Man instead) - I'm at 119 collection icons. Not sure what you mean by home icons though. If you're talking about creating icons for your native Android launcher, that's not something I ever intended to do. If you're meaning the home screen for DIG, last I checked only the collections can be added in that way.
Wow, these are all so awesome. Been swapping them in and out of my theme i've kind of frankensteined together. Curious if you're planning on doing any hacked images for the collections section? Thought that would be super cool too, and now that theres a mini/classic console for so many things, wondering if you had any plans on those as well. Either way, super awesome work! all hail. @Mahare
Not sure what you mean by hacked images. Are you meaning collections of romhacks? Generally I'd stick them in the base game if applicable. I don't have any mini consoles so wouldn't be making any themes for them.
Yeah I meant for romhacks and mini console images for the collections sections! No worries, just was throwing it out there since you seem to be on a roll here. Keep up the good work!
The mini-consoles one is hypothetically a possibility, as there's already been a template for a couple of them - but if I do it would likely only be for systems that have officially come out. Romhacks I could in theory do a single generic icon, but it'd be a ways down the line. Need to get in the groove again.
I'm not sure if the developer of this Theme will see this comment, but I just wanted to say thanks for expanding upon a good looking emulator with their own improvements. I just bought a OnePlus 8T and decided to get into emulation gaming. When searching themes on the app I saw the version from the old developer and when I looked at the fourm I saw you made a reply and I found this thread. Yeah the earlier comments were toxic, but I just wanted to thank you for making the best theme I have ever seen. Thanks.
Also for anyone reading this in the future, it was a pain in the ass to install correctly because for whatever reason, it won't install from the zip in Dig itself. I did what Mahare suggested in May 2020 but it took me a while to figure it out correctly. I took a screenshot of what worked.
So I extracted the file from the zip file, took out the config, and then just copied the cfg. file and the Retro Redux file itself into the specified file directly. Keep in mind this is the default location themes are located at when you first download Dig, so this should be the same for you. I've got say it looks really nice on my Android phone and I plan on using this Front End for a LOOOONNNNGGG time.
One last Final post from me. Obviously in my last post I showed you how to do the process of getting the theme working by connecting my phone to my PC. It was just easier that way. This screenshot is from my phone and the music playing is pretty cool, like an outer space theme. I may decide to play the game this song is from now because of it lol (Uncharted Worlds).
One last thing I want to say is that for me I had to go to edit theme, and change the zoom option to fit to screen over the default fill screen. That fixed a issue I had of it cropping the edges of the screen. Alright, I paid the $3 price to get Dig with the full features and now can fully enjoy it with this nice and clean interface. Thanks again!
Last thing I forgot to mention, the Zip file I downloaded is from the post Mahare made in April 2020.
Don't know if there's a way for this to happen but I would love if this theme was added to the default browser themes people could see from Dig them self. I had to do a little rabbit hole searching to find this theme but it is what it is.
Happy gaming everyone!