SephX2K4: Red Dwarf Theme (Updated 2019/8/9)

edited September 2019 in Themes

In space no-one can hear you Smeg.

Submitted by SephirothX2004

UPDATED 2019/8/9

Download - 69.7MB


  • Original), download, try, thanks), under the wheel there were no options yet.๐Ÿ˜

  • So, someone give a shot to the wheel layout, and the result is great!!! Congrats!!! ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ‘

  • Hmm

    For me its showing the system icons on the bottom as cover flow.

    And the system icons are a mash up of other icons I have.Odd

  • Hmm

    For me its showing the system icons on the bottom as cover flow.

    And the system icons are a mash up of other icons I have.Odd

    That's no good.

    Maybe its something to do with the recent updates DIG has had.

    I might have to have a look at things and re-submit it with the new changes DIG has.

  • So, someone give a shot to the wheel layout, and the result is great!!! Congrats!!! ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ‘


    I wanted the game wheel to look as if its orbiting the asteroid.

  • This one works now for me.

    All system icons show for me now except for mame or arcade system.

    Checked in your system icon folder to be sure and there doesnt seem to be any for that one,

    Which for is a needed as I have mame emu on my device,

  • I have re-sent the theme with the mame icon for DIG developer to upload when they can.

  • No probs.

    Not sure but maybe he is tired of updating

  • This theme has also been updated.

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