PrBoom (DOOM) Help needed to launch from Dig
Firstly, I have PrBoom working perfectly in RetroArch..
PrBoom by default does not recognise zip files but I have cloned a system in Dig that recognises and displays all wad files.
I’ve also edited a new emulator with PrBoom retroarch core info which isn’t quite working, however it does launch into Retroarch 64 but only the main menu without that core loaded.
I then have to either manually search or use Retroarch playlist to continue using any wads I have.
Its more likely my emulator core info isn’t correct and a work around can be found, any ideas?
Hi, I've been trying to load Doom wads directly from Dig but still no success however as mentioned previously I can launch RetroArch from any wad (pics below)
I've then created A-Z playlists for Doom 1 & Doom 2 in RetroArch which gives me quick access to the wad I've launched.
If anyone is interested in playing various custom wads (Pwads) including single level, community megawads and Ports with PrBoom compatibility etc then check out the awesome
Hopefully when (or if) the Dev returns this can be implemented to launch each wad from Dig.
Custom backgrounds & boxart for Re-unified...
OK, I can now launch PrBoom and instantly play all wads (custom maps) using the Dig frontend, perfect!
Please share how you did this so that everybody else can do the same.
Ok, for anyone interested in running wads (custom maps) for Doom then you can get maps, megawads & ports from here:
1, To launch PrBoom from Dig we need all wads to be unzipped, PrBoom in RetroArch does not support zip files.
2, Clone the Wii System, conveniently this System recognises any files with the ".wad" file extension.
3, Populate this new cloned System with your wad files, while in this System click the 3 dots top right>Manage System>Add Roms
4, We now need to to add/edit an emulator with the correct information to launch PrBoom through Dig..In the new Cloned System click 3 dots>Manage System>Edit Emulators and enter the following exactly as shown below then save:
Awesome. Big thanks for this. Smart workaround using the Wii profile to detect the .wad files.
@Chalotron Happy to share, personally I cloned the Wii System twice to keep my Ultimate Doom & Doom 2 collections seperate.
I also used your suggestion for the missing boxart dilemma I had recently and looks great as shown in the above pics.
I have a Doom Overlay for RetroArch I'd like to share to anyone who wants to use it...
I can't upload a config file so the .txt extension above needs to be changed to .cfg
That's awesome, thanks so much!!