How do I tell if cover download is doing anything?
Hi there, I'm trying to get Dig set up for the first time. I have a pretty hefty amount of Roms, but the cover download doesnt seem to be doing anything. I am on WiFi, and I get the metadata and screenshots for games just fine, but I have yet to see a box cover pop up anywhere. Is there something I should see someplace if the process is failing, or is there anything else I can check or try?
Thank you!
How do I tell if cover download is doing anything? is typically a spanner icon at the top when DiG is scraping for new roms. The meta data will be present almost immediately but the cover art can take some time depending on the number of roms it is scraping for.
Additionally, you might want to check if you have it setup to display screenshots or box art via the three dot drop down option and select view.
Its definitely set for box cover, not screenshot. I do get the wrench icon, and it does eventually count down most of the way, but it seems to get stuck with about 5000 roms left (of 13,000) and even then I cant find a single instance of a box cover showing up.