Button shortcut to search

This is a little thing, but on Retroarch you can quickly bring up the search input by pressing "Y" on a gamepad while on a searchable list. It'd be neat if you could do the same on Dig. Perhaps bring up the search for "All games" if pressed while on the main menu, or otherwise for the currently selected system or collection.


  • Old thread, but I'm also desperate for this.

    It's nice that so many of the browsing options can be mapped to button presses in the hotkey menu, but the inability to assign a button to search feels like a big omission. As it is, if I'm using a gamepad to browse, and I'm anywhere other than the top of the game list, the only way to bring up the search field is to enter into a game, hover over the top menu bar, and go back out again into the game list so I can then scroll onto the search icon.

    There's support for giving voice search a hotkey already – please consider doing the same for text entry!

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