Why don't Nostalgia NES, MAME4Droid, and others start my game?

These emulators don't support launching games from a front-end but I included them anyway due to popular demand or because there wasn't a suitable alternative for it's system.


  • right on the best emulator the games don't start, I really like your app, but if I can't run a mame game I don't think I keep it for long.

  • Alors pour ma part, ça ne me dérange pas.

    Par contre, si je veux que ça ne démarre pas par MAME, avez-vous un émulateur à me conseiller ?

  • Download and instal the emulator from here https://www.gamulator.com/emulators/mame/android/mame4droid and i think you would not have any problem with the Dig app.

  • edited January 28

    Nostalgia NES, MAME4Droid, and similar emulators might fail to start games due to several reasons. This could include incompatible ROMs, incorrect emulator settings, or device limitations. Ensure your ROMs are compatible, emulator settings are configured properly, and your device meets the required specifications for smooth emulation.https://storysaver.page/

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